
EL Salvador: PLP Combats History of Military Dictators

30 January 2013 37 hits

EL SALVADOR — Since 1927, 14 families have “democratically” dominated El Salvador through military dictators. There have been many elections in El Salvador’s history, elections in which the military  candidates always won while the opposition was always killed or exiled.
The capitalist class in El Salvador follows imperialist orders, especially from the U.S. The current ruling class, who in the past posed as revolutionaries, have proven to be traitors to the workers.
The Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) rules for the bosses. Our conditions worsen every day due to unemployment, low wages and murders by the Maras (gangs) and the rulers’ death squads.
For example, in San Sebastian Salitrillo in the state of Santa Ana, five FMLN councilmen have been accused of money laundering. Just like Mayor Francisco Castañeda, all of them have become wealthy with public money. But they authorize budget cuts in health and education. 
The Progressive Labor Party has developed a base here. We are organizing communist schools with the working class to win them to understand that we must destroy these capitalist leeches and their cronies. Our goal is for PLP to spread from east to west. That’s why we recruit new readers of CHALLENGE, which reflects our class struggles worldwide. The bosses’ newspapers only report the lies and crimes that the bosses themselves make. 
Our base continues to grow among workers, peasants and students here. Although it is a small country, it has a great revolutionary tradition. However, without communist leadership, these struggles have always turned reformist. Our goal is to give these schools a real communist character. Only PLP has the alternative of communist politics, which can free us from capitalist oppression — destroyer of workers and peasants. Only working-class unity organized by PLP can smash this fascist system.