
Communists Link Class Struggle to Fight vs. Sexism

14 March 2013 34 hits

HAITI, March 13 — Communists must fight against the capitalists and their ideas everywhere. A small group of communists in a provincial city in Haiti waged an ideological struggle for communism on the weekend of International Women's Day. Several young women university students of proletarian background wanted to organize an event. We presented phrases of famous women to show the history of women’s participation in the struggle. They called it a plea for fighting sexism in all aspects of society. 
We began discussing our plan over several meetings, trying to give a more revolutionary and working-class  character to this initiative. We discussed women revolutionaries such as Clara Zetkin, Alexandra Kollontai, Rosa Luxemburg, among others. Current struggles for equality need to become more class-conscious: to make it a struggle of working-class women and men against the ruling class. We are discussing the importance of communism in women's struggle against capitalist exploitation for our class’s liberation. Today millions of women are striking against this exploitation worldwide. Capitalism uses sexism as a basis of the exploitation and oppression of women is the social division of labor.
With the support of communist comrades, these young women posed some revolutionary acts. They saw that in the bourgeois feminist movement, women bosses defend their class interests. Because our relationship is only beginning with these young women, they found it sufficient to carry out their activities by asserting certain rights of women, without entering into class struggle.
This experience shows us, however, that communists must be present everywhere — because opportunities are everywhere to fight capitalism in all its facets. We must fight  sexism, racism, and all the other forms of exploitation that the bosses use against us. In order for working-class women and their allies to be liberated, the whole working class must be liberated. We have to engage in ideological as well as practical battles against the bosses.