
Assail Racist in the Not-so-friendly Skies

10 April 2013 36 hits

On February 8 on a Delta Airlines flight, racist Joe Rickey Hundley slapped a black 2-year-old. The racist attacked Jonah Bennett while he was in the arms of his adopted white mother, Jennifer Bennett. This animal Hundley called Jonah the n-word because the child was crying over descending cabin pressure.
When Hundley slapped baby Jonah, an anti-racist passenger helped subdue him. He was arrested upon landing. He was charged with “simple assault.”
He should have been charged with a hate crime. Antiracists are trying to get drunkard Hundley’s charges upgraded to a hate crime. Capitalist law is racist for not valuing the life of a black child.
The Bennett family lives in Minneapolis so I had asked my Unitarian Church to show solidarity. I gave the pastor a card that was sent to the Bennett family on behalf of our church members. It was the least we could have done.
Under communism, workers will make examples out of people like Hundley who dare to harm a child based on color. He is infected with capitalism’s racist ideology. We will use our state power to protect our most valued asset, our children, in the new communist society.
Moreover, since workers will run the airlines under communism, we won’t serve alcohol. Personally, I think alcohol needs to be called into question after the revolution because it is a drug as well. This incident and others like it show the need for communism and revolution as the only way out of capitalism and its inhumanity.
Minnesota Red