
Mexico: May Day Spurs Goal to Topple Capitalism

23 May 2013 34 hits

A weekend before May Day, members and friends of PLP in Mexico organized three meetings to discuss its historical and international significance. We also presented the flyer we planned to distribute at the march and briefly discussed the current situation in Mexico, in relation to the reforms pushed by the new government. (See Mexico article above)
The achievements at these dinners — which we planned since the beginning of the year — were few, but important. Four friends of the Party, all CHALLENGE readers, participated in the first one; two friends and a youth who joined during our last Summer Project participated in the second, and during the third we were joined by a comrades’ family and by two CHALLENGE reader friends.
They all expressed their commitment to participate in the May Day march, since we’d be the only contingent that’s an international organization promoting the overthrow of capitalism and replacing it with the dictatorship of the working class.
In the three meetings we highlighted the imperialist struggles between China and the U.S., which will probably lead to a confrontation between these  bosses and their respective allies.
There is a long road before we reach our goal and there is a lot to be done. This is the only Party that fights for collective work and the destruction of the profit system that creates inequality the world over. PLP is the only Party that struggles against nationalism and sexism, and the only one that holds that the working class should direct all aspects of society.