
PL’ers Spread May Day from El Salvador to Honduras

06 June 2013 31 hits

El Salvador — PL’ers met to discuss May Day activities. We discussed the planning and outcome of each activity:
First, one comrade went to Honduras to coordinate the event there and arrange the distribution of 2,000 flyers at the May Day march by six CHALLENGE readers.
Following that, in the capital city of El Salvador, San Salvador, 15 comrades, members and friends of PLP, distributed 5,000 flyers. These comrades come from various nearby communities.
In total, 45 people distributed flyers at the May Day event in San Salvador. We’d also like to highlight the number of flyers that were sent to a university in Guatemala, through the efforts of a PLP sympathizer. Further, we printed one thousand more flyers than the number planned at a pre-May Day meeting.
In summary, we’re certain this event was a success and a step forward for PLP, and therefore for the working class, and the peasants from the villages, who were pleased. All the PLP members in San Salvador are very proud and we’re ready to continue the struggle organizing workers, women, peasants, teachers, soldiers, and students.
Youth who participated were able to realize that the only way to change the capitalist system is organizing to build our base and contribute to consolidating and strengthening communism internationally to destroy the forces of imperialism.
Long Live May Day! Long Live the Workers of the World! Long Live PLP!