
Pro-Boss Union Hacks Rally for Democrats

06 June 2013 33 hits

NEW YORK CITY, June 5 — The Municipal Labor Committee, a coalition of city-worker unions totaling 300,000 members — teachers, transit workers, workers in the mayoral agencies as well as fire and sanitation departments — will be rallying June 12 at City Hall park. Will this demonstration lead to a real fight to restore levels of city services needed in hospitals, schools and other vital areas?
Will it lead to a real fight for contracts that expired two and three years ago?
Will it end the racist police terror of “stop and frisk” and police murders?
Will it lead to a general strike that brings the banker-, real estate- and Wall Street-backed politicians to their knees?
We don’t think so!
Its main purpose is to win city workers, their families and friends to blindly follow and trust the preferred Democratic mayoral candidates of the various unions. The union leaders all support the capitalist system and its political process. They want us to buy into a rigged system that has always served the interests of the ruling class.
Progressive Labor Party members are participating in this demonstration to unite with our brothers and sisters who desperately want to fight back. We’ve helped lead struggles on our jobs and in our communities.
As we fight back, we will share our understanding that U.S. capitalism, fighting to keep its position as the top imperialist warmongerer worldwide, intends to cut our living standards, including wages, pensions, health care and governmental services, cuts that are all part and parcel of capitalism. We therefore build a movement that fights for the unconditional benefit of the working class and for the destruction of the profit system. We fight for communist revolution, to build a society free of all forms of exploitation, racism, sexism and boss-inspired war.