
Fight DC Metro Transit’s New Jim Crow

04 September 2013 32 hits

WASHINGTON, DC, September 3 — Public health workers, Progressive Labor Party members, Metro transit workers and community residents are leading a fight against racist unemployment enforced by new Jim Crow policies at the regional transportation agency.
In late 2011, Metro stopped hiring people who had criminal records even though they had served their sentences and passed all the job requirements. They also re-ran background checks of workers who left the job due to work violations or extended sick leave. If they discovered a conviction, they fired the worker.
Metro fired one worker after she served a small amount of time for fraud. Her crime: reporting a lower income in order to receive a childcare subsidy! Another worker lost his job but found one driving at another bus company.
Metro provides the best-paying jobs in the area for a largely African American workforce. Over 7,000 mostly black men and women will return to DC from prison this year. Most served time for non-violent and drug crimes. The Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights just reported that black workers accounted for 80 percent of these arrests even though drug use is similar across all sections of the city among rich and poor, blacks and whites. They need jobs in order to succeed.
These intentional racist arrest and hiring practices enforce the same Jim Crow policies maintained in the U.S. for centuries, keeping black unemployment rates twice or more than that of white workers, and incarcerating masses of black workers.
Meanwhile, the City wants to turn over 25 bus lines to a for-profit company that will further reduce wages, good-paying jobs, health benefits and pensions.
It’s time to fight back! The Health Disparities Committee of the Metro Washington Public Health Association will rally on September 12 at Metro headquarters to demand an end to this ban on hiring and its privatization plans. Members and friends collected close to 1,000 signatures on our petition. People lined up to sign it and many organizations plan to attend the rally to speak and picket.
It will be Metro workers who can win this campaign. They have the awesome power to shut down the city with the support of the riders and the public. Students and professional workers need to unite with them to further their needs for higher-paying jobs and good transportation. Multi-racial and ethnic solidarity among residents, public health and Metro workers paves the way for greater working-class unity and strength. It will demonstrate to us that we can fight this system and eventually overthrow capitalism whose goals are further private ownership of bus, school, and health systems in order to make more profit for a very few.
Join the struggle and attend our PLP study/action group to learn how to build more anti-racism so we can take power and re-organize mass transportation and other services to benefit our class in a communist society.