
Pizzeria’s Foul Taste of Sexism, Poverty Wages

05 October 2013 39 hits

Worcester, MA,  September 19 — Members and friends of PLP, and many workers from an unemployed workers’ organization held a rally outside of Harry’s Pizzeria.
The workers here are fighting back against physical assaults, sexual harassment, and poverty wages.
In March of 2013 the manager at the restaurant struck a worker on the job. When the worker filed a battery complaint, the bosses’ court dismissed it.  A woman worker filed a separate complaint against the restaurant for sexual harassment from the bosses.
The workers from the area took our flyers and agreed that something should be done to stop the injustices.  The working class needs communism to take the bosses out of the driver’s seat of society.  Only then will these attacks on the working class be ended.