

29 April 2015 49 hits






Bus transportation leaves Baltimore at 6:45AM sharp from 33rd Street YMCA lot.

 NYC: Nostrand & Flatbush junction (2 to Brooklyn College) at 11 AM this Saturday, May 2

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First Ferguson. Now Baltimore. It was a rebellion. Not a riot. Politicians, preachers, cops and the media all labeled the militant youth everything but what they are — rebels that have lead a powerful and inspiring uprising. On the whole, the youth targeted the racist bosses and their goons.

The anti-racist rebellion shows us that when push comes to shove, the racist police are no match for a united and fighting working class. Youth are fighting against tear gas, The National Guard, and over 7,000 kkkops, all while defying the orders of the mayor and other capitalist officials. We have a lot to learn from them.

The cold-blooded racist police murder of Freddie Gray was not an isolated event; the cops killed him, and continue to target Black workers and youth because the vicious racist ruling class needs to terrorize us into accepting a future of poverty and imperialist war. We refuse to accept it!

We don’t accept a life where being Black means you can be gunned down at any moment with little to no consequence. We don’t accept a system where the lives of Tyrone West, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Shantel Davis, Kyam Livingston, Kimani Gray, and Ramarley Graham mean nothing to these killer kkkops! There are too many names! This system doesn’t deserve to exist! The bosses call for “bringing order” and “life back to normal.” This “normal” is racism in our schools, in hospitals, and in the streets! A rebellion was long coming! To anti-racists everywhere — protest in solidarity with the rebellion started in Baltimore at your schools, at work, in your churches, unions, and in your neighborhoods.

The rebels broke capitalist laws, the same laws that protect mass murderers that are responsible for millions of deaths from racist profit wars, global drug cartels, mass poverty, and unemployment. These gangsters in suits walk free, run businesses, command armies, and hold government power. The ruling class tries to paint Blacks, Latinos and the immigrant working-class as criminals. The real criminal is this racist system. The bosses close hospitals, schools, and keep people unemployed. They also murder workers and children in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, and Pakistan for oil.

Only a revolutionary communist society where the working class has power can rid the world of racist killer kkkops. The capitalist courts encourage and tolerate cops who murder Black, Latin and immigrant workers. Meanwhile, five million Black and Latin workers and youth are forced into the criminal injustice system, either imprisoned, on probation or on parole. Seventy percent of the 2.4 million in U.S. prisons are Black and Latin. And if cops do get punished, the punishment is a slap on the wrist.

Join and build the revolutionary communist Progressive Labor Party (PLP) and build an international multi-racial movement to crush racism from New York City to Ferguson to Gaza with armed revolution! Progressive Labor Party is a revolutionary communist party dedicated to eliminating capitalism with communist revolution as the only way to end imperialism, terrorism, racism, sexism, and class inequality.

The growth of a fighting PLP is the only way to guarantee that the bosses won’t get away with racist police murder. PLP fights to lead the working class to smash the bosses’ cops and courts and establish a communist society worthy of every worker struck down by capitalism worldwide.

Join us as we march on May 2 against this racist system and celebrate the militancy of the rebels in Baltimore and Ferguson. Celebrate the working class’s history to overcome divisions the bosses put in our way, to fight back, and our potential to win the war against capitalism! March for a communist world!

Join us at the Nostrand & Flatbush junction (2 to Brooklyn College) at 11 AM this Saturday, May 2.

Smash Capitalism and Racist Police Murders with Communist Revolution!

For more information, see or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.