
Turn Antiracist Rebellion into Class War

04 September 2014 31 hits

Los Angeles, CA — Weeks after the racist NYPD cops choked Eric Garner to death, their equally racist west coast buddies the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) beat to death Latin worker Omar Abrego, and killed 25-year-old black youth Ezell Ford here. Abrego was a 37-year-old shipping worker for OnTrac. Hundreds have protested and marched every day in front of the police station where cops shot Ezell Ford. Ezell’s brother said he was “shot in the back and murdered like an animal!” The cops claimed he made “suspicious” movements.
For decades, the U.S. ruling class has intensified it’s attack on mostly black and Latin youth with the so-called “War on Drugs”, incarcerating over two million workers, mainly black and Latin, leading to the largest prison population in the world! That population doubled under President Clinton and President Obama has deported over 2 million of our undocumented brothers and sisters, more than all presidents in the U.S. for the last 100 years combined! 
From our immigrant brothers and sisters being held in concentration camps, to our black youth targeted by the police, these racist attacks are part of a much larger attack on the entire working class!
Workers of the World Unite 
We need more rebellions because they are not just against the racist police murders.  The justified anger beneath these protests is also directed at the racist unemployment, poor quality of education, and health care that black, Latin and all workers face. Meanwhile, trillions of profits that our class produced are spent on oil wars in the Middle East!
Rebellions alone are not enough.  The root cause of this oppression and murder is an international capitalist system that needs racism to divide our class and keep us separated by terrorizing some with assassinations on the streets and others with deportations in order to maximize their profits. Remember, the same U.S.-made weapons that the cops carry are the same that the Israeli troops carry to murder our Arab and Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza.
We need to turn antiracist rebellions of mostly black youth into breeding grounds for communist revolutionaries. This could inspire the whole working class into fighting for a communist future: without money, profits or any need for racism, nationalism, sexism or imperialist world wars.
Join PLP as we unite with all workers oppressed by capitalism, and fight for a new system that really works for the working class: communism!
Start by joining us as we march in solidarity with the families of Ezell Ford and Omar Abrego on September 13 at 7 pm on 65th and Broadway in Los Angeles, CA.