
$15 Won’t Solve Workers’ Problems

02 October 2014 34 hits

A few days ago, as an active member of a community organization, I was part of a large protest in front of two fast food restaurants, one of which belonged to the giant multinational corporation, McDonalds.
The protest was part of a national campaign conducted by many community organizations and trade unions demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage for fast food workers and their right to a union, since their current miserable wage barely covers expenses to support their families. These workers, as all workers under capitalism, are exploited.
This protest started very early in the morning, before dawn, because this was a national action where many workers were going on strike and others would participate in civil disobedience.
I was part of the protest in New York that was quite militant and in which 2,000 people participated. Thirty four people were arrested for civil disobedience and it’s possible that the police had a list of those who were to be arrested beforehand.
Slogans were militant, including “Strike, Strike, Strike!” and “Workers United Will Never Be Defeated!” among others.
One detail everyone noticed was the incredible number of cops surrounding the protest. I said loudly, “They thought they were in Ferguson, and were afraid of the power of the working class and of the truth.” That was why they pushed us from the center of the street and forced us to march on the sidewalk.
A woman claimed the cops were there to protect us, and some comrades, me included, argued that cops weren’t protecting us, that they were protecting the bosses’ interests; that the cops were there to repress and arrest workers, the way they did in Ferguson and around the world.
I had the chance to distribute 200 CHALLENGEs during the march, which were well received, although some were thrown down the street, but I picked them up and gave them to other workers who took them and put them away to read later.
I was very moved when I saw workers so early in the morning, chanting our slogans. That’s why I believe it’s good to continue working in community organizations, trade unions, churches, etc. I believe that’s the way to expand our Party to become a massive international party, and to be consciously ready for the time of the revolution, take power for the working class, and build a communist society.
Red Fighter