
Kyam Livingston: The Struggle for Justice Continues

26 February 2015 32 hits

Brooklyn, February 21 — “What do we want? Justice. When do we want it? Now!”
“No justice, no peace! No racist police!”
 “We want justice for Kyam Livingston killed in a prison cell.”
And so the chants continue now for 18 months. Kyam Livingston’s mother, along with many church members, teachers, union members, activists and PL’ers, have stood strong fighting for justice. Kyam was left to die in a holding cell in Central Booking in Brooklyn on July 21, 2013. As the family continues its struggle, Kyam’s mother has forged ties with the families of other victims of racist police murder. PL’s strategy and tactics have helped lead this fightback. We will not stand aside under any circumstances whatsoever. The Justice for Kyam Committee speaks against systemic racism of the criminal justice system.
We seek change the whole system. We don’t rely on elected officials or politicians or others in high places. Our power is generated by the activities of working people enraged by the ongoing murders from Ferguson to Staten Island to Flatbush. When we chant “Fight like Ferguson,” we salute the leadership given by the mainly young Black workers of Ferguson. They refused to back down in the face of a highly militarized police terror campaign instituted to stop them from the murder of Mike Brown.
For 18 months, whether at Central Booking or in front of racist liar District Attorney Ken Thompson’s office, we have stood through snow, rain and heat asking simple questions. Still no answers. We have confronted Ken Thompson’s office, but still no answers. We have confronted Central Booking as they laugh at death through their windows. We have the names and we have the tapes of the murder.  We will continue to fight. 
One thing is very clear. The only solution is communist revolution and only through the Progressive Labor Party can we smash a system that doesn’t deserve to exist, and build a system for all working class people. 
One theme becoming more apparent with Kyam’s mother’s leadership is she does not want to see this happen ever again to other workers’ children and she will stand out here fighting until this system is gone and begins anew. We in the Progressive Labor Party stand with her. Join us on the 21st of every month in solidarity, as the working class stands strong.