
March On Dilley,TX To Smash Anti-Immigrant Racism!

23 April 2015 30 hits

TEXAS, April 20 —  In December 2014, the racist Obama government opened a new prison in Dilley, a small southern town in Texas to hold up to 2,400 immigrant women and youth who have been crossing into the U.S. since last summer. The new prison space was justified by Obama’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) lawyers because, they claimed, that the women and youth pose a “threat to U.S. national security” by their mass migration. Therefore all are held without bail even if they have a potential claim for asylum for fleeing persecution in their native countries.
The U.S. government has a profound racist fear of Latin and Black workers, who have the potential to lead a new wave of struggle. Almost all of these women and youth are fleeing violence, especially sexist attacks and killings, in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.
U.S. Bosses Fear Rebellion
The U.S. rulers know that the inmates of Dilley prison and their family members across the U.S. and in their home countries represent a threat of rebellion against capitalism. The act of crossing the border itself is an act of rebellion. Because these families are part of the most exploited sections of the world’s population, they are the most likely to fight back hardest throughout their lives. The situation is the same for Black working-class families in the U.S., who are increasingly subject to police murder in the streets and who face the very highest rates of arrest and incarceration.
 Racism is a divide-and-conquer strategy that only benefits the bosses, because super-exploitation of different sections of the working class guarantees that wages and conditions of all workers will remain low and be forced lower. Each group is brainwashed to accept the worsening conditions of the other. By keeping wages and conditions horrible for Black, Latin and Asian women workers, the system keeps millions of workers below a poverty level. Racism hurts the entire working class. It allows white and citizen workers’ wages and conditions to be driven down further. That is why the standard of living for workers in the U.S. worsens every year, except for the very rich. Racism is the key to capitalism’s profits!
Increased Rivalry Leads to Imperialist War
The U.S. capitalist class backs Central and South American governments to secure continuing U.S. imperialist domination there, where these countries are sources of profit and resources. In these countries, as in the Middle East, the U.S. imperialists must counter European, Chinese and Russian bosses’ investment and expanding influence. The U.S. recently assisted the present government of Honduras in suppressing a movement to align Honduras with Venezuela, which is in the Russian imperialist orbit.
Currently, the rulers of the U.S., Europe, Russia and China are intensifying their imperialist competition with each other for the world’s wealth. As the U.S. prepares for wider war with their imperialist rivals, it needs to build racist fear of immigrants along the southern border. Thus Dilley is part of an effort to build nationalism, as well as to convince citizens that “foreign” workers seek to steal jobs. This was a foundation of Hitler’s brand of fascist ideology in the 1930s, which taught that Jews were stealing jobs and property from non-Jews. It went from rhetoric to concentration camps, to mass exterminations.
 Dilley, and the intensification of racism at the U.S. Mexican border today, is at the cutting edge of 21st century U.S. fascism. Since 2000, the number of Border Patrol agents has doubled to 18,000 and fencing multiplied nine times to 700 miles. Predator drones now patrol a stretch of 900 miles along the border, with over 10,000 flights in the past two years. This, along with government-backed attacks on immigrants by border vigilantes such as the Minutemen, demonstrates the ability of capitalism to use fascist tools of the state to perpetuate racist terror on a mass scale.
“Deporter-in-Chief” Obama has deported more people than any other president — 2.4 million immigrants since taking office — and separated even more. Now he is imprisoning thousands at Dilley. Today, as in Germany in the 1930s, the liberals are paving the road to fascism.
March on May Day!
The bosses are looking to the 2016 presidential election in order to pacify workers’ anger over unemployment and racism. All the clowns in the electoral circus are enemies of the working class whether they are socialist, liberal, or conservative. The mass deportations and mass incarceration of Black and Latin workers is not the byproduct of a “ broken”  immigration system. It is the product of a racist capitalist system, a system that depends on racist super-exploitation to survive. Capitalism cannot be fixed. The U.S. bosses want these immigrant workers to be cannon fodder for larger and deadlier imperialist wars looming on the horizon through programs like the Dream Act.
Many churches and activist groups are calling for marches to release the inmates, and the Progressive Labor Party will be there to march with them! However, PLP fights for something more. In the past, Russian and Chinese workers and peasants, led by communists, defeated capitalism and ran society, and defeated German and Japanese fascism. Today, learning from past victories and failures of the old communist movement, and with the communist leadership of PLP, we can build a mass Red Army of the working class that will not only smash Dilley prison, but the entire capitalist system with communist revolution. MARCH ON DILLEY PRISON ON MAY 2, 2015!