
Fighting Against Racist Police in Worcester

07 May 2015 38 hits

WORCESTER, MA, May 6 — The Progressive Labor Party held a forum on police terror here. Speakers showed how racist police terror is a key tool of capitalism and that fighting it using the bosses’ rules cannot change it. Only getting rid of capitalism can destroy racist cops.
One speaker exposed how even filing complaints is useless. He cited the testimony of a police detective who said that not one of the complaints in Worcester over a long period of time were even investigated. They were just rubber stamped as “unsubstantiated.”
Another speaker offered hope for a world where the choices aren’t between useful complaints and running. He pointed out that racism and bias are caused by the capitalist profit system which uses them to divide the working class and is continuously being reinforced in police departments. PLP fights to expose the lies of the bosses and to organize people to reject the worsening conditions, and to fight for communism. When workers take power, the material basis for racism and exploitation will be gone.
At the forum, PLP sold CHALLENGE and called on everyone to join the May Day marches on May 2 in Brooklyn. Several people committed to going, and money was raised for a defense fund for anti-racist protesters arrested by the police.
Later, one person asked PLP and Massachusetts Human Rights Commission to help him organize a Black Lives Matter rally on April 29. Both organizations agreed and endorsed the rally, which was mainly organized by Worcester State University and Clark University students. Many local residents joined the march and rally.
We will continue to support these struggles, and to raise the need for communist revolution.