
Militant PLP Sharpens Oaxaca’s May Day

21 May 2015 30 hits

OAXACA, MEXICO, May 1 — Among the thousands of workers that participated in the May Day march in Oaxaca today, the presence of our Party, the communist Progressive Labor Party (PLP) stood out.  
This was because of our militancy and the messages of the communist slogans we chanted as a group and with great energy such as: “For a Communist and Proletariat May Day!” “We Must End Electoral Farce!” “We Struggle, We Win, Power to the Working Class!” “In Our Communist Struggle, Capitalist Criminal, You’re in Our Crossfire!” “The Crisis of the System Has No Solution, the Only Solution is Revolution!” “One Class, One Party, Workers of the World Unite!” and “Long Live Communism, Death to Capitalism!”
We distributed 2,000 flyers to the CNTE teachers that belong to Local 22. A PLP member, with the help of some of his friends, distributed 500 flyers to a group of health care workers. The flyer denounced the fascist policies of the Mexican ruling class oppressing working class under the guise of structural reforms and it exposed the electoral farce. It also invited workers to join PLP and explained the need for a communist revolution to overthrow the capitalist class that controls the world. We are taking advantage of the approaching imperialist war to build a communist society, which is the only answer for the interests and needs of our class.     
We carried the red flags that represent the international working class and a banner calling for workers to join PLP to destroy the corrupt and criminal capitalist system with communist revolution.
These activities and the fighting attitude against the policies of the corrupt, oppressive and criminal capitalists motivate and inspire us to continue our revolutionary communist work with full commitment. The current labor stoppage by the health care workers and the strike that some trade unions and organizations are planning, represent opportunities we must use to promote the growth of PLP.