
Communism Will Avenge Ayotzinapa

16 October 2015 38 hits

MEXICO CITY, October 14—The liberal capitalist bosses and their capitalist-controlled media have been spreading their version of last year’s disappearance of the 43 activist students in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, blaming the “incompetence” of the government of president Enrique Peña Nieto.
But this outrage is not about official incompetence or the brazen corruption of the “justice” institutions. The lack of punishment for the guilty in Ayotzinapa is evidence of the rise of fascism in México. Fascism is reflected in the capitalists’ intensification of racist and sexist violence against the working class. The disappearance of these youth is a racist crime, showing nothing but contempt for the lives of oppressed youth across Mexico!
Why don’t the judicial system, the president and the Mexican Congress give us any answers? Because they need to contain and criminalize workers’ protests, which are in response to our super-exploitation. This criminalization coerces the working class into accepting fascist conditions during this period of capitalist crisis.
Liberal Bosses Pave Road to Fascism
The main weapon the bosses in Mexico are using to contain working-class anger is liberalism. Liberal bosses are capitalists who pretend to be pro-working class. They are calling for citizens to participate within the framework of institutions based on capitalist ideology, like the National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH) or the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH). As a result of being won to trust in these institutions, the working class organizes itself in a “well-behaved” way that doesn’t fundamentally threaten capitalism. Liberal capitalist bosses and the institutions around them serve an important role in capitalism. They lead the working class away from international class consciousness and from questioning the profit system that lies at the root of the disappearances in Ayotzinapa.  
The liberal bosses won’t acknowledge that the 43 students were murdered by capitalist violence. Along with racism and extreme mass poverty, state terror is a clear sign of the rise of fascism here.
The poverty generated by the capitalist system provides the rulers with young people who have no choice but to work under conditions of legalized super-exploitation. Other young people, who lack access to these terrible jobs, are pushed into “illegal” capitalist industries of drug trafficking and organized crime. The students of Ayotzinapa refused to be used by this brutal and fascist capitalist system, and that’s why they were disappeared.
Avenge by Smashing the Bosses and Their Ideas
In the capitalist system under which we live, there’s no justice for workers. The laws and the entire “justice” system are designed to protect private property and the capitalists’ profits. The right of the bosses to enrich themselves requires that the working class—and especially the youth—be controlled both ideologically and through force. In Ayotzinapa, the bosses’ state acted according to the interests it serves. Workers cannot rely on this state to resolve our problems.
The anger and pain of the parents of the disappeared, and of all of us who have stood by them in México and around the world, must not be pacified by the bosses’ institutions. Instead, it must be transformed into political consciousness and organization to bring an end to this criminal capitalist system! Such a system doesn’t deserve to exist! The revolutionary communist Progressive Labor Party stands in solidarity with the students of Ayotzinapa, their families and all workers who support this struggle. We call on them to fight for communism, a system organized and run by the working class, where exploitation and anti-worker violence will be punished as crimes. Our victory will be the students’ vengeance! Destroy the capitalist system that exploits, disappears and murders our youth!
Fight for communism, a society of equality!
Ayotzinapa, communism is your fight!
¡Ayotzinapa escucha, el comunismo es tu lucha!