
Aids Day Rally Attacks Racist Profiteering Drug Companies

12 December 2015 33 hits

Washington, DC, December 1 —Chanting “Pills Cost Pennies, Greed Costs Lives” a spirited picket line challenged the pharmaceutical lobby, PhRMA at noon on World Aids Day. Friends and members of Progressive Labor Party, Metropolitan Washington Public Health Association and DC Fights Back attacked the exorbitant prices charged by Gilead Sciences for curative Hepatitis C medications, which hit Black workers the hardest (see article in Challenge, (date)). Protesters also attacked international trade agreements that will deny many HIV medications to countries such as Vietnam, and the profits made by drug companies on the back of workers who pay taxes for government drug development and then have to watch more tax dollars given back to the companies from Veterans Affairs, Medicaid and Medicare funding. Protesters also attacked the tax dodges (“inversion”) when companies like Pfizer merge with Allergen in Ireland to avoid paying U.S. taxes, declaring “Inversion Is Perversion”!