
Defeat Imperialism by Destroying Its Source: CAPITALISM!

29 December 2023 421 hits

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has long served as a military arm of the major Western capitalist nations, fulfilling their need to expand into foreign territory to rob natural resources and exploit global labor markets. Since the end of the Cold War, NATO has been responsible for the murder of millions of our working-class brothers and sisters in the Balkans, Iraq, Libya, Palestine and Afghanistan.

Imperialist war, as accomplished through NATO, is an inevitable consequence of capitalism. What Lenin outlined almost 100 years ago still holds true today: when domestic rates of profit begin to fall, the capitalist bosses either need to expand beyond their borders, or see their system collapse. This is the expansion the world's workers witness today, with racist mass murder and fascist repression committed in the name of “free markets” and “spreading democracy.”

The way to defeat this genocide is not through lukewarm reform battles, or siding with the “lesser-evil” capitalist politicians. Any struggle that hopes to defeat imperialism while keeping the profit system intact is doomed to fail the world's workers. The only viable path for the international working-class is to join the revolutionary communist movement, led by Progressive Labor Party.

Only a mass international movement will crush the racist and sexist profit system that concentrates wealth in the hands of the few, and replace it with a system run by workers, who will harness the enormous potential of all and distribute the fruits of their labor according to need.

PLP has been at the forefront of the communist movement for over 50 years, immersing ourselves in militant working-class struggles in the schools, universities, hospitals, factories, military and churches! We advocate that only a mass international movement of millions fighting directly for communist economic relations will destroy capitalism, its racist artificial borders and its endless imperialist wars! Fight NATO by fighting for communism! Join PLP today!


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