
CAPITALISM Murdered Trayvon Martin

11 January 2024 435 hits

Why would a racist vigilante stalk and murder a young black man in a hoodie? Capitalist bosses have used their racist police to criminalize black youth, justified by racist stereotypes that have led to seven times as many in jail and prison as forty years ago , 7.3 million in jail, prison on probation or on parole, 12 million ex-felons on the streets trying to find work. Totally racist: black people are eight times more likely to be in jail or prison than white people, targets of pretext stops by police and “consent” searches of their cars and bodies. Zimmerman was acting out the racist stereotype of black youth promoted by the bosses for the last 50 years as the cops, prosecutors, and courts, their racist thugs, carried out their program of mass incarceration. Zimmerman pulled the trigger, but capitalism killed Trayvon.

The racism directed especially at black male youth should be seen in the context of the racism toward 12 million undocumented workers, over 8 million of them in the labor force. Along with black men under the control of the system or stigmatized by a felony conviction, they are the most vulnerable of workers who must work under any conditions the bosses offer. Then their vulnerability and desperation is used to drive down other workers, to find people to break strikes. So they have broken one union after another and driven down wages and working conditions for ALL WORKERS.

The system of capitalism needs low wages to make the most profits. The racist attacks by the criminal justice and immigration systems create low-wage vulnerable labor. Zimmerman acted on capitalism’s racist stereotype, and capitalism is guilty of Trayvon’s death. The capitalism system must be smashed!

But what to put in its place? Communism! A system run by and for the working class, led by the revolutionary communist Progressive Labor Party. Only communism can destroy the bosses’ racism, create real opportunity for all of us to develop our abilities and use them to serve our class, the working class. In a communist society youth are cherished, the abilities developed, not gunned down in the streets or rounded up in jails and prisons. We need communism now.