
A System That Depends On Racist Terror From Gaza to the US Must Be Destroyed! FROM 2009

11 January 2024 410 hits

The Israeli fascist bosses are raining death and destruction on Gaza’s 1.4 million Palestinians. More than 3,000 have been wounded and over 750 mostly civilians killed, many of them children and women.

This racist carnage is really the inevitable outcome of the vicious struggle between the imperialist powers – the US, Russia, China and the European Union - for control of the world, which depends on controlling the world’s oil supplies, especially in the Middle East. For decades, US imperialism’s world hegemony has depended on its undisputed control of this area.

Protecting the US oil empire requires military might. Israel, armed to the teeth by the US at over $3 billion a year, has helped police it. Israel has also served as lightning rod to divert the anger of Arab workers away from their local and foreign exploiters-oppressors and channel it into the dead end streets of nationalism and religious fanaticism. This thwarts the revolutionary communist potential of this huge working class, perpetuating the profit system and the US oil empire.

US PRESIDENTS: ALL RACIST, FASCIST IMPERIALIST BUTCHERS - Obama will be no exception. Like Bush, he supports Israel and US Middle Eastern policy. Speaking before the US Jewish Lobby on June 4th 2008, he said, “I’m among good friends… who share my strong commitment to make sure that the bond between the United States and Israel is unbreakable today, tomorrow and forever."

Thus, he consciously ignores Israel’s rulers’ history of racist savagery against the Palestinian working class – its wanton murder and destruction of tens of thousands of Palestinians since 1948 when the Israeli massacre at Deir Yassin began to “clear the land” to create Israel.

That’s why he had “no comment” when asked about the Israeli air raid that killed 285 Palestinians and his Senior Adviser later, speaking in his name, justified Israel’s Gaza operation because Hamas broke the cease fire agreement first. The same lie pushed by Bush. Supporting the US bosses’ racism at home, Obama has been silent about Oscar Grant, the unarmed black youth murdered by a racist Oakland Transit cop.

OBAMA’S IRAN POLICY WILL LEAD TO WIDER WARS - In the above mentioned speech, Obama said, “There is no greater threat to Israel than Iran…The danger is grave, it is real, and my goal will be to eliminate this threat." But Iran’s real threat – is not Iran’s nuclear aspirations as claimed by the US imperialists – but its growing influence in the Arab world and its alliance with Russia and China, which pose a tremendous threat to the US oil empire.

Invading and occupying Iran would not only give the US bosses the second largest gas and the third largest oil reserves in the world but also pipelines routes to transport to world markets the vast Caspian Region energy resources – trillions of dollars worth of oil and natural gas – bypassing Russia. This would puncture the Russian bosses’ dreams of world domination and would make the Chinese imperialists completely energy dependent on the US bosses.

By making his priority the “good war” in Afghanistan, Obama hopes to achieve the same Caspian Sea objectives without going to war against Iran. If successful there, Iran could be forced to capitulate to the US bosses’ demands. The dominant wing of the US ruling class wants to stop Israel’s latest savagery in Gaza – a line Obama will soon have to tow - because it hinders the Israel-Palestinian peace treaty Obama was supposed to negotiate in order to better concentrate on the more important Iraq-Afghanistan wars.

COMMUNISM ONLY SOLUTION FOR WORKERS – The imperialists’ quest for world domination will eventually lead to wider wars and WWIII. Obama’s call for national service is the fig leaf to institute the draft these wars. Arab, Jewish, black, latin and white workers, students and soldiers, here and internationally, have nothing to gain and everything to lose in these wars for profits. Only by uniting to defeat capitalism/imperialism with communist revolution – abolishing the racist profit system, its wages, racism, sexism and national borders – can we end racist terror. Let’s build a massive, international revolutionary communist Progressive Labor Party to turn the imperialists’ wars into a fight for workers’ power, communism. Read our newspaper Challenge-Desafio! Join PLP! March with us on May Day, the International Workers Day!