
Borders kill—workers have no nations!

10 July 2022 52 hits

On June 20, 53 migrants died horribly, abandoned in the back of a truck with no ventilation or water in 100 degree Texas heat (125-135 degrees inside the truck) having just crossed the border at Nuevo Laredo, Texas. A comrade’s son called him from Peru to tell him the news before his father had even learned of it in New York City. The world’s working class watched in horror how the migrants died. Small Fascist (see Glossary on page 6) MAGA aligned Texas governor Greg Abbott blamed Joe Biden for his “open border policy.” Racist liberal fascist Biden said “No grandstanding... [we] need to go after criminal trafficking rings.” The three smugglers currently live in Bexar County, Texas near San Antonio. Their business in the profit driven system is collecting thousands of dollars from migrants to turn them over as cheap labor to U.S. bosses. Workers’ lives are cheap under capitalism, unlike the products that workers buy.
The international working class doesn’t need politicians, Congressional hearings, and courts to know that capitalism, with its racist borders, is guilty of racist genocide. The working class doesn’t need borders. We need to run the world based on our needs with no racist, sexist profiteering. Under communism workers will go wherever needed to build an egalitarian world. As the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) chant says, “The only solution is a communist revolution!”                                
Imperialism: A Genocidal System
The migrants who died were from Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras, including 20 who have not yet been identified. The workers were forced to flee their homes due to poverty, exploitation, terror, and devastation of resources, becoming victims of imperialism. Vladimir Lenin called imperialism the highest stage of capitalism when top capitalists seize control of labor, resources and markets of countries outside their borders. Their fascist tactics include control of production, monetary control, fake elections to install puppet governments, orchestrated coups and full blown invasions. Twenty migrants died in the Libyan desert of their war stricken country because of rivalry between major imperialist countries, the U.S., China and Russia. U.S. imperialists imposed sanctions on Iraq in the 1990s which led to the death of a half a million children followed by U.S. invasion of Iraq to steal their oil.                     
If or when migrants make it  to the U.S. or other capitalist countries in Europe, they face new horrors: super exploitation, racism, terror, deportation and possible death. The capitalist controlled media brands them as “criminal illegals” and on the other side of the coin, the liberals cry and make false promises. The world’s capitalists are gangsters on the planet, setting and breaking their own rules at will. Imperialism is guilty of the deaths of the migrants in Texas as well as millions more worldwide. The international working class needs a communist revolution where we organize society based on our needs not on profit.                      
Crisis at the border
There is a massive caravan  of workers and their families and unaccompanied children walking hundreds of miles to the U.S. / Mexico border to flee the devastation of capitalism in their countries of origin. More than 1,000 have died at the border so far this year. The majority of those who manage to cross are caught by border control and deported, with exceptions that include workers from Cuba, Venezuela, and the Ukraine. Most borders in the world are aflame due to war and emigration. The bosses use borders to restrict or increase the number of migrant workers into given countries, keeping them as a form of cheap labor to super-exploit, as their needs determine.e Borders also enforce racist ideas among workers that “other” workers are dangerous, untrustworthy, and out to steal their jobs, sowing further division amongst the working class. Since 1986 U.S. bosses Employers Sanctions Provision, Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) has functioned to criminalize undocumented workers, forcing them to work in the shadows under terrible working conditions for measly wages. IRCA has also had the effect of lowering wages for all workers and keeping unemployment high, particularly among Black workers.
Our PLP group is struggling with the immigrant community group we’re in to react to the migrant deaths as well as talking with our study group and distributing CHALLENGE. It is in this process of class struggle and fightback on our jobs, in our neighborhoods and networks that we grow our Party into a powerful multiracial class conscious fighting force for international communist revolution.