
Racist Melila massacre of migrants

10 July 2022 47 hits

Four days after the bodies of our Latin American brothers and sisters were discovered in an abandoned trailer in Texas, the bosses' deadly borders claimed the lives of more workers— this time in Melilla and Ceuta, two Spanish enclaves on the North Africa-Spanish border (, 6/30).
On June 24, 37 migrant workers, all men from Sub-saharan Africa fleeing capitalist-created poverty and famine, were brutally beaten to death by police forces as they attempted to scale the border fence that divides Morocco from Spain. The Spanish Guardia Civil fired tear gas at hundreds of fleeing migrants. Those left behind were savagely clubbed. Graphic images of our Black brother’s mangled bodies left in pools of blood, rotting for hours in the sun expose the rotten racism of global capitalist nations and their borders (, 6/30). The Melila massacre is the deadliest episode in a long history of the Moroccan and Spanish bosses' brutality against  Black African migrants seeking refuge in Europe (, 2/10/14).
The Morrocan bosses have agreed to be Spain's border attack dog in exchange for regional independence (The New Arab, 7/4). Spain's rulers have learned well from their savage imperialist partners in the U.S., and have recently begged NATO to help them beef up the racist, fascist border security (Voanews, 7/5), calling the recent uptick in Black African migrants seeking asylum as a security threat. The vicious treatment of African migrants is in sharp contrast to the treatment received by the 75,000 Ukrainian migrants the Spanish government welcomed with open arms (La Moncloa,  4/26).
The Melilla massacre is a warning that as inter-imperialist rivalry sharpens in Europe, so too will fascism. The Spanish bosses' war against African workers is an extension of the miserable conditions faced by workers in Spain where unemployment is the highest in Europe (, 02/27). The massacre further exposes the fact that liberal fascists from Spain’s social democratic President Pedro Sanchez to the U.S. Big Fascist in Chief Joe Biden are the main threat facing our class.
As inflation, climate catastrophes, famine, and war choke our class, more workers will be forced to flee capitalist violent conditions. Sadly, this isn’t the last of the horrific violence we witnessed in Melila and Texas. The only way to put an end to the misery that displaces and kills workers is to build a communist world in which profits and racist borders cease to exist.