
80th Anniversary of Battle of Stalingrad: Red Army’s victory vs Nazi scum

02 February 2023 251 hits
February 2 is the 80th anniversary of the COMMUNIST VICTORY in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943), a major battle on the Eastern Front of World War II where the Nazis and its fascist allies invaded the Soviet Union.

The Russian Revolution of November 7, 1917, is the most important event in the history of class struggle. The multi-national Russian working class seized state power and held it for decades. The Bolsheviks (the Russian Communist Party) led the workers to defeat Russian and foreign armies that tried to overthrow them in a hard-fought four-year civil war from 1917 to 1921.

From 1929 to 1941 the Bolsheviks, now under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, ended the remnants of capitalism and collectivized agriculture to stop the endless series of devastating famines. They created the Five-Year Plans to industrialize the enormous country.

They outlawed racism! The Bolsheviks led the American Communist Party to make the fight against racism primary in all its struggles. Progressive Labor Party (PLP) continues to be the only leftist party to make the fight against racism and nationalism primary in our struggle to build a revolutionary party.

The Bolsheviks also organized the Soviet working class to build a mighty Red Army for the wars that they knew would come. The ruling class celebrates D-Day as the end of World War II (WWII) but it was really the defeat of the Nazis at Stalingrad that dealt the death blow to the fascist armies. The ruling class pushes WWII as a victory for so-called democracy and uses it to rally the working class to support future imperialist wars. Instead, we celebrate the communist discipline and heroism of the working class in the Battle of Stalingrad!

Fascists invade
On June 22, 1941, the fascist German, Italian, and Finnish armies invaded the Soviet Union, with hundreds of thousands of troops from other fascist and German occupied countries. The German Blitzkrieg tactic was to punch through defense lines and cut off and capture huge pockets of encircled enemy troops. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers were taken prisoner in the first few months. But many continued to fight on, breaking out of encirclement, and forming partisan bands behind the fascist lines.

 The Germans had never met fighters like the Soviet troops. “The Russian troops... [act] in striking contrast to the Poles and the Western Allies,” wrote the German commanding general. “Even when encircled, the Russians stood their ground and fought.” Then there turned out to be more Soviet soldiers, better equipped, than the Germans thought possible. As summer 1942 approached, the Nazis again seized the initiative. Now they tried an indirect approach.

They aimed an offensive south at Stalingrad, center of critical war production and the southern oil fields. Without oil and production capacity the Soviets would be defeated. In August, the Nazi 6th Army launched massive air, artillery and tank attacks.

 The Red Army fought to the death for literally every building in the city. Their orders from Supreme Headquarters were “Not one step back.” ( Their mission was to pin down the enemy to buy time for a counterattack to be launched.

The Nazis captured 80 percent of the city. Finally, the Soviets controlled only a narrow strip of land. At their backs was the Volga River. On the far bank was their artillery support.

Next the Soviet soldiers were sent to factory strongpoints. They were organized in small groups of six to eight men, trained in hand-to-hand combat. The heroic workers continued production at the tank factory. They drove each newly built tank directly from the assembly line into battle.

“Here [in Stalingrad], heavily outnumbered and outgunned, Soviet defenders fought battles house-to-house. It was in that city that workers, men and women, were won to the necessity of defending their new workers' society. They voluntarily remained at their machines making tanks for the battlefield just outside their factory while bombs fell all around them. If ever an example is needed of the Communist spirit, it is Stalingrad. These defenders had courage, sacrifice, determination and camaraderie--what a boundless sea of what's best in humanity!” (CHALLENGE SUPPLEMENT, 05/17/1995)

By January 1943, preparations were complete. Shocking the German command, the Soviets counterattacked with over a million fresh, well-armed reserves. Outflanking and outfighting the Nazis; they encircled the fascist armies. On February 2, 1943, the Battle of Stalingrad ended, marking the turning point of WWII and the beginning of the end of the Nazis.

Standing on the shoulders of giants
Today, as the imperialists prepare for more wars for oil profits, PLP is fighting to rebuild the international communist movement to turn imperialist wars into communist revolution. We struggle alongside our working class brothers and sisters in fights on the job, during strikes, and in our neighborhoods against police terror. We fight for revolutionary discipline and against the racism, nationalism, sexism, and individualism that capitalism uses to divide us. We fight for the Red Army of the future, Join us!