Brooklyn, February 11—More than 40 antiracists participated in a multigenerational and multiracial forum on the necessity of multiracial unity in the fight against racism. Participants included high school students, college students, teachers, and other young workers. This gathering was so inspiring that one person joined the Party! That’s another nail in the bosses’ coffin. Fighting to understand how we, workers all over the world, can and must unite to overthrow this racist system of capitalism requires urgency, especially as the bosses continue to torpedo towards world war.
Fighting racism and preparing to turn the capitalists’ imperialist war into a class war for communism. That’s our task as communists. Only a communist society, one run by and for the international working class, can rid this planet of all the inequities and injustice we face day in and day out.
Fight for working-class unity, not multicultural capitalism
After a few icebreakers to help everyone get to know each other a bit more, we began our study on racism as a tool of the capitalists. We used a number of political cartoons to demonstrate how the ruling class uses racism to divide workers and prevent us from fighting back. By paying white workers more than Black and Latin workers, the bosses create a culture of violent competition and pit workers against one another. The bosses’ media pushes racist narratives to make workers see other workers as the enemy. But communism means workers uniting to fight back against a common enemy: the capitalist ruling class. Fighting for a society where everyone works to benefit the international working class - that’s communism.
And multiracial fightback is working class history. As recently as 2020, after the murder of George Floyd by the kkkops, the United States saw the biggest multiracial uprisings against racism in the country’s history. Hundreds of thousands marched in cities large and small, with antiracist solidarity demonstrations occurring all over the world. The protests included the countries of Nigeria, Argentina, Lithuania, South Africa, Ireland, Brazil, Mexico, Italy, Austria, Japan, South Korea, Poland, Norway, India, Tunisia, Pakistan, South Africa, Sweden, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Brazil, Syria, the United Kingdom, Senegal, and more.
We also used photographs and cartoons from around the world, from Colombia to Alabama, to show how workers fight back against racism in strikes and on the street, despite all the racist lies we are bombarded with. These cartoons demonstrated the power workers have when they reject the ruling class’s murderous lies and unite with other workers. One such cartoon showed workers resisting the phony messages of politician misleaders and fighting back against the bosses’ KKKop army to climb a mountain of justice.
After discussing the images and political cartoons, we broke out into small groups to discuss the history of racism. We debunked the myth that “racism has always been around” and discussed the ruling class’s intentional use of state power and violence to separate and define “Black” and “white'' as a way to prevent multiracial working class rebellion in the 1600s and 1700s in colonial America. For example, the ruling class of Virginia passed a law in 1661 that stated that “in case any English servant shall run away in company of any Negroes,” the servant would have to work extra years for the Black person’s master. Also, in 1691, Virginia provided for the banishment of any "white man or woman being free who shall intermarry with a negro, mulatto, or Indian man or woman bond or free." The bosses’ have always feared multi-racial unity and antiracist fightback.
Only communism can end racism
Capitalist misleaders try to fool us by putting multiracial faces in high places. We cannot be fooled into thinking electing Black mayors like Eric Adams and Lori Lightfoot or so-called progressives like AOC’s Squad are going to spare the working class from capitalist exploitation. Nor can we be swept up in false hope from the elections of indigenous presidents in Peru or “left” ones in Colombia. These liberal fascists are the greatest danger for the working class. We cannot smash racism by voting in a rainbow of politicians committed to the same mass murder, deportation, and exploitation of workers as their white counterparts or by diversifying police forces who will continue gunning down youth like Tyre Nichols.
We need to fight for communist revolution, which will never be on the ballot. Capitalists need racism, workers don’t. Communism means workers run everything. Only through communism can we end racism.
You too can join the fight to smash this racist, capitalist system and build a communist future. Join us on May Day! Join Progressive Labor Party!
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Forum: fighting to learn Lessons of multiracial unity
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- 04 March 2023 195 hits