
The 500th Fight for West—No Justice under kkkapitalim

04 March 2023 185 hits

BALTIMORE, February 22—For the 500th time, we decried racism. A successful protest caravan, stretching 22 vehicles long, boldly wound through the city’s streets. The demand was accountability for the police murder of Tyrone West, and for all victims of police brutality. Tyrone’s life was stolen in July of 2013 by 17 racist cops, in the same way George Floyd and Tyre Nichols were murdered by capitalist thugs in blue. These 500 protests prove there is no justice under this capitalist system. As we demand accountability, we must also organize the fight for a world run by the working class - that’s communism.
Importance of a long-range outlook
Every Wednesday, for nine-and-a-half years, without fail, a street rally or a livestream event has been organized as a central part of carrying on this struggle.
Progressive Labor Party (PLP) has done its best to help strengthen this important anti-racist work. And PLP has simultaneously strived to share its vision of the future, a communist world with no more racism of any type, and no more police brutality.
Seven Party members from the DC area also participated in the caravan, adding strength and additional logistical capability that proved particularly helpful after the lead car was disabled.
New generation of fighters
A young comrade, who has made regular contributions to West Wednesday for some years, spoke at the final rally. He began, “No more police terrorism! I’m a member of the Progressive Labor Party, and my belief is in a revolutionary society where we go beyond this system.”
He went on to say the purpose of police under capitalism is to divide us racially, create fear, and suppress the whole working class. He ended with words that earned applause: “It’s good that we’ve come together as a…multiracial coalition.” Another young PL’er from DC also spoke, sharing that only with revolution can we end police terror.
Some tears and some comfort
The night before the caravan, at the final planning meeting, one topic was how everyone felt after so many years of struggle. A member of Tyrone’s family became tearful, talking about all of these 500 weeks, while Tyrone’s main killers remain on the police force, with promotions. But she also spoke about how vital the support has been for her, and about specific contributions by particular freedom fighters in the West Coalition.
In the case of a PLP member, she said he has given her comfort that helps when things are rough, based on an understanding he has shared that there is always a solution.
When it was this comrade’s turn to speak, he explained that dialectical materialism (the philosophy at the heart of communism) teaches that all things exist in paired opposites. Therefore, the existence of a problem implies the existence of its solution. Or, to put it another way, history poses no problem for which the solution doesn’t already exist. It was one of those moments when the positive role of communists, in an anti-racist mass movement, was clear, helpful, and heart-warming.
Working women leaders in the movement
During this evening’s caravan, Tyrone’s sister stood tall through a moonroof, speaking and chanting powerfully to everyone in the long train of vehicles and to passersby.
Things were well-organized, with the front and rear cars in steady communication. Flyers had been prepared for handing out at mini-rallies along the route.
However, before even reaching the site of the first mini-rally, the lead car, with flashers on, made the route’s planned turn onto a major street. That lead car was suddenly and severely rear-ended – and probably totaled – by a driver who turned, much too fast, onto the same street, from a different direction. The speeding driver may have been careless and distracted, or sent by police.
Three people were in the caravan’s lead car. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt, but their car was forcefully thrust off the street, across a sidewalk, and onto a home’s front yard, barely missing a major collision with a large tree.
Led by the women in the West Coalition, the caravan stayed in place, allowing time to deal with the situation. Then they re-organized a new lead car and rear car. Considering the time that had been lost, they wisely led the caravan directly to the final rally at City Hall.
Other volunteers had previously set up a huge grill at City Hall so that, after the final rally, delicious hot meals were ready for everyone. In addition, twenty-eight people took copies of CHALLENGE.
It was clear that racism is the weak spot of capitalism. Just like when the horrific murder of George Floyd sparked twenty million people to hit the streets for months of forceful protest, the horrors of racism, including the horrendous murder of Tyrone West, continually lead to mass movements within which new leaders step forward. The future is bright. Never give up in the fight for communism!