
International May Day Greetings . . . Haiti: ever onward to victory, we shall win

09 May 2024 315 hits

Revolutionary greetings from Progressive Labor Party in Haiti on the occasion of May Day 2024


Every first of May, the lion tries to wake so it can roar, but its voice is still stifled. However, not for long will the chains of the executioners rest so firm and strong, to keep the lion mute any longer. Soon, the roar will be heard in the four corners of the earth. We can hear it, if we ignore the diversions of the executioners.

Comrades, we send you our revolutionary greetings from Haiti. Our greetings are full of hope in the unleashing of the working class, this lion that can never be slain.

From Haiti to Palestine, passing through all the countries where executioners torture and murder to try to silence dissident voices, we will never stop chanting: “Hasta la victoria siempre”, venceremos—ever onward to victory, we shall win”.

Long live the communist struggle, long live the PLP.