
International May Day Greetings . . . Israel-Palestine: march against fascism

09 May 2024 318 hits


I send you revolutionary greetings from Israel-Palestine, at the forefront of the struggle against fascism. Here, the bosses' dogfight over state power and profits led to the rise of an openly fascist government. This administration makes no liberal pretense and viciously attacks the working class, especially women, LGBT, Palestinians, and asylum seekers.

The old, liberal wing of the ruling class opposes this, fearing that the end of the liberal charade will destabilize the regime and endanger their ties with the international business class, which also prefers to wear the liberal mask.

Meanwhile, the newer, less well-established wing of Israel's bourgeoisie welcomes the new regime, hoping that it will rob the older part of the ruling class and distribute the spoils among the newer wing.

This led to mass protests of hundreds of thousands of people, mostly staunchly nationalist (Zionist) in character. We, as communists, participate in the Block against the Occupation, reminding the "patriotic" protesters of "The Elephant in the Room" they would otherwise gladly ignore, namely colonialism.

This May Day, we participate in marches in Nazareth and Jaffa against the regime, against fascism, and for one communist state from  all the rivers to the seas, with equality and freedom for all working-class people. March on May Day - smash capitalism and fascism!