
MAY DAY 2024 . . . Washington, DC: Step forward, spirited celebration

09 May 2024 584 hits

The Progressive Labor Party (PLP) May Day in the Washington, D.C. area was an amazing celebration of past and current fights against capitalism. It was also a great step forward for our younger leadership which worked collectively to make the event a success. Encouraged by the Party leadership to create our own May Day event rather than joining the New York City march, we stepped up and hosted our own celebration. The level of participation and energy proved our decision to be the right one. A multiracial group of over 50 comrades and interested workers attended the family-friendly dinner.  The May Day planning committee decorated the house with red “Fight for Communism” flags, and posters of past CHALLENGE articles and older Party documents. Red balloons and tablecloths completed the festive scene. Throughout the afternoon we ran a continuous video on the TV of past PLP May Day marches and interviews. Veteran comrades shared in childcare duties so all attendees could participate in political discussion while the children played with play-doh and each other. 

After enjoying delicious Peruvian food, we gathered comrades for the program. This was the first time speaking for several of the presenters. We heard about struggles against police brutality, and why nationalism is a danger to the working class. We heard about teachers in Maryland being attacked as antisemitic for calling for an end to Israeli military attacks in Palestine. We heard about why we need a militant Party to build for revolution. We heard an original poem from a new teacher comrade. We engaged the audience by asking trivia questions and giving out political buttons and hand soap to winners. The atmosphere was warm and comradely, and singing the Internationale in English and Spanish was a wonderful way to end the program. 

Afterwards, people continued to mingle and engage in energetic discussion. One young worker from Turkey who met the Party at an encampment said he did not realize anything like the Party existed in the U.S. and he was excited to learn more. A Metro worker’s son who is in college at George Washington University took a lot of Party literature and was excited to visit the encampment with Party members. Everyone who attended seemed inspired and enthusiastic. We look forward to celebrating May Day again next year!